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Hamlet (English Edition)

Hamlet, probably written between 1599 and 1601, takes place in Denmark, recounts how Prince Hamlet carries out his revenge on his uncle Claudius, who murdered his father, the king, marrying his mother, Gertrude, and showing the crown of Denmark. The work is drawn vividly about madness (both real and feigned) and it is perceived in the mind over the prince of the deep pain to excessive anger. Also explores the themes of betrayal, revenge, incest, and moral corruption.
Ilustrado por: Javier Zabala
"At every moment, the mind of Hamlet is a play within the play [...] Shakespeare is the center of the canon because Hamlet is."
Harold Bloom
Papel    Ebook

Hamlet (English Edition)

Ilustrado por: Javier Zabala
Hamlet, probably written between 1599 and 1601, takes place in Denmark, recounts how Prince Hamlet carries out his revenge on his uncle Claudius, who murdered his father, the king, marrying his mother, Gertrude, and showing the crown of Denmark. The work is drawn vividly about madness (both real and feigned) and it is perceived in the mind over the prince of the deep pain to excessive anger. Also explores the themes of betrayal, revenge, incest, and moral corruption.
"At every moment, the mind of Hamlet is a play within the play [...] Shakespeare is the center of the canon because Hamlet is."
Harold Bloom
Tamaño: 8,8MB
ISBN: 978-84-92683-84-0
Formato: Epub2
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Hamlet (English Edition)

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