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Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

First published in English in 1886 is about a lawyer, Gabriel John Utterson, who investigates the strange link between his old friend, Dr. Henry Jekyll, and the misanthropic Edward Hyde. The book is known to be a vivid representation of psychopathology for a split personality. The illustrations in this edition are by Marta Gómez-painted, illustrated in this same collection of Alice in Wonderland.
Ilustrado por: Marta Gómez-Pintado
First published in English in 1886 is about a lawyer, Gabriel John Utterson, who investigates the strange link between his old friend, Dr. Henry Jekyll, and the misanthropic Edward Hyde. The book is known to be a vivid representation of psychopathology for a split personality. The illustrations in this edition are by Marta Gómez-painted, illustrated in this same collection of Alice in Wonderland.
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Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Ilustrado por: Marta Gómez-Pintado
First published in English in 1886 is about a lawyer, Gabriel John Utterson, who investigates the strange link between his old friend, Dr. Henry Jekyll, and the misanthropic Edward Hyde. The book is known to be a vivid representation of psychopathology for a split personality. The illustrations in this edition are by Marta Gómez-painted, illustrated in this same collection of Alice in Wonderland.
First published in English in 1886 is about a lawyer, Gabriel John Utterson, who investigates the strange link between his old friend, Dr. Henry Jekyll, and the misanthropic Edward Hyde. The book is known to be a vivid representation of psychopathology for a split personality. The illustrations in this edition are by Marta Gómez-painted, illustrated in this same collection of Alice in Wonderland.
Tamaño: 9,2 MB
ISBN: 978-84-92683-75-8
Formato: Epub2
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Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

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