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Barcelona (in English)

Barcelona written and illustrated by Javier Zabala , is a book that offers a new way to visit the city of Barcelona. Perfect for readers of all ages, this edition also includes material that lets us in on the way the illustrator works. “You probably don’t know this, but the cloister of Barcelona’s Gothic cathedral is home to a gaggle of geese. We are those geese, the geese of Saint Eulalia. We’ve heard so many tourists and locals talk about how beautiful Barcelona is that today we’re breaking out of the cloister to go see it at last!”.
Ilustrado por: Javier Zabala
Traducido por: Kymm Coveney
Papel    Ebook
Tamaño: 22 x 31 cm.
Encuadernación: Cartoné
Páginas: 48
ISBN: 978-84-18067-59-4

Barcelona (in English)

Ilustrado por: Javier Zabala
Traducido por: Kymm Coveney
Barcelona written and illustrated by Javier Zabala , is a book that offers a new way to visit the city of Barcelona. Perfect for readers of all ages, this edition also includes material that lets us in on the way the illustrator works. “You probably don’t know this, but the cloister of Barcelona’s Gothic cathedral is home to a gaggle of geese. We are those geese, the geese of Saint Eulalia. We’ve heard so many tourists and locals talk about how beautiful Barcelona is that today we’re breaking out of the cloister to go see it at last!”.
Papel    Ebook
Tamaño: 22 x 31 cm.
Encuadernación: Cartoné
Páginas: 48
ISBN: 978-84-18067-59-4
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Barcelona (in English)

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